XM1 RGB er en gamingmus i høj kvalitet udviklet til ambitiøse spillere, der foretrækker stil og design Musen er resultatet af konsekvent udvikling og innovation samt flere interne tests hos Endgame GearThe highquality XM1 RGB gaming mouse is particularly aiming at ambitious gamers with a preference for style and design It is the result of consistent development and innovation as well as numerous Inhousetests at Endgame GearThe XM1 RGB's well thoughtout software has been implemented to be resourcesaving and won't affect system performance, thereby ensuring an optimal gaming experience The software, also enables additional buttons to be reassigned, up to four CPI profiles can be created and the XM1 RGB's illumination can be configured there
Xm1 Gaming Mouse Black
Endgame gear xm1 rgb dark reflex